acada robotics

ACADA RoboticsDocumentationROSRiderProcedures in RoboticsPID Tuning

PID Tuning

PID tuning is a crucial process in robotics to optimize a system’s response to inputs. By carefully adjusting the proportional (P), integral (I), and derivative (D) gains, engineers can fine-tune the system’s behavior. This document outlines a step-by-step guide to PID tuning using the ROSRider platform. We will leverage the power of RQTreconfigure to dynamically adjust PID parameters and RQTplot to visualize the system’s response in real-time. By following this procedure, you can achieve precise and efficient control of your robot.

To start the ROSRider driver, execute the following command on the robot:

ros2 launch rosrider_node
ROSRider node launch

To get a list of parameters for rosrider_node, execute the following command:

ros2 param list /rosrider_node
ROS Parameter list for rosrider_node

Next, we’ll modify the kP parameter, which controls the proportional gain for the left motor.

ros2 param set /rosrider_node LEFT_KP 1.2
Set ROS Parameter

Let’s verify the parameter change by requesting it from the ROS Parameter Server.

ros2 param get /rosrider_node LEFT_KP
Get ROS Parameter

To launch the RQT Reconfigure tool, execute the following command:

ros2 run rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

rqt_plot teleop input

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